Customize your trip
Rent a Car
Book a car with a variety of exclusive benefits, including miles.
Car rental with miles
Rent a car from a wide range of vehicles, categories and locations throughout Brazil using miles or a combination of miles and money (Smiles & Money).
Renting a car abroad
Planning a trip overseas? Book your vehicle without any worries, earn miles and enjoy a wide range of benefits.
Book a hotel
Choose from over 1 million accommodations and earn miles.
Hotel Bookings
If you're a Smiles customer, you can use your miles to book the best hotels for your trip. Smiles Club members also receive special discounts.
Travel Insurance
Parking at airports
Driving to the airport? GOL has the best parking deals for you.
Tour Tickets
Receive benefits when you purchase tickets and enjoy guaranteed access to a variety of attractions.
GOL and Cobasi
Use the code VOEGOL10 to receive a 10% deal on the purchase of a GOL carry-on bag.
Smiles Travel
Smiles Travel is our tour operator, offering packages with tickets, hotels, tours and services in one place to complete your experience.
See more
About GOL
Discover the history of the airline created to bring more life to your time.
Flight Information
Find all the information you need to fly without having to worry about anything, from ticket purchase to post-departure assistance.
Customer Service
Have any questions about your flight or our services? Choose the service channel that best suits you and count on us.